
Law Library Support

Law libraries in Tunisia suffer from a crual lack of means especially in a time where legal textbook, either digital or printed, are more and more expensive. Books are antiquated in particular in small cities such as Jendouba, Gabès and Kairouan. We heard about students that travelled two hours to find a book they could use for one of their assignments.
We acquire and collect legal textbooks in French and in English that we donate to all of the law libraries in Tunisia. This improves the training of those who will be the law makers of tomorrow in Tunisia and without whom there will be no successful democratic transition. We also show that there are Tunisians all over the world that care and want to help.
Below are some words from Ms Hajer Fatnessi, Dean of the High Institute for Legal Studies of Gabès which explained the dire situation of her library and why this initiative showed to have been vital to her students.

Legal clinics

At Law for All we have seen so many people that have been treated unfairly by local authorities and who could not do anything because they did not know the procedures to follow or they could not afford to have a lawyer. For the unemployed, the widow, the rural and grassroots organisations we believe that legal clinics are a crucial tool to alleviate their suffering from local authorities blatant wrongs and give them hope in a better future. With this initiative Law for All strengthens the rule of law and participates to the building of a state that works for everyone.


We also organize trainings on hot legal topics to which local students and professionals are rarely exposed to. These trainings improve their skills and their employability. They also raise up the general legal skill level in Tunisia in a context of an intense competition between legal systems.